Unlearn. {Re}imagine. Everything.
Graham Brown-Martin
Catalyst | Speaker | Broadcaster | Writer | Coach
A catalyst for powerful conversations and fresh thinking, Graham draws on his experiences of leading teams, creating startups and scaling up organisations that challenged the status quo.
Consistently ahead of the curve; he designed mobile computers in the 80s, online entertainment networks in the 90s, community-based social networks in the early 00s, a global forum for the future of learning in the 10s and an AI innovation coaching practice for startups in the 20s.
Graham motivates us to think differently as he guides us on an exhilarating journey through the past, present and future.
“Graham Brown-Martin is never boring, always worth listening to and profoundly accurate in his thinking.”
— Lord David Puttnam
Keynote speaker.
Impactful, entertaining and thought provoking talks that encourage audiences to think differently about the future of learning, society and work.
Graham has more than 25 years experience building and leading fast growth startups that challenged the status quo in the technology, entertainment and learning sectors.
A sought after and popular keynote speaker, Graham has in recent years; established an AI innovation coaching practice for startups, co-founded a global learning consultancy based on regenerative economy principles, created a global intelligence network of interdisciplinary thinkers designing a blueprint for society to thrive beyond the 22nd century. He founded Learning Without Frontiers, a global community focused on the future of learning. He authored Learning {Re}imagined, the best selling book published by Bloomsbury and directed 30 short films about the future of learning.
He has; presented evidence to the House of Lords Select Committee on Artificial Intelligence, created an agile learning experience for senior leaders of a FTSE 100 financial services company, designed a science programme for primary school children using the Internet of Things, created an experiential programme for children to learn about working with autonomous humanoid robots and was retained by pi-top, a creative EdTech maker, to lead their global product and brand development, education and communications strategy with teams in the UK, US and China.
Scroll down for biographical notes.
Graham is represented by The London Speaker Bureau.
“Graham Brown-Martin is an ideal guide through the complex terrain of ideas and innovations that might just create the new forms of education that we really need.”
— Sir Ken Robinson
Broadcast media.
Graham is a prominent voice on broadcast media as a “go to” name for interviews and panel shows for television, radio and podcasts. Confidently taking on governments and multinational corporations, broadcasters can expect Graham to have a refreshingly different take on something you thought you knew.
An engaging and entertaining guest, he speaks on AI, Innovation and the future of learning, society and work.
Graham designed his own broadcast studio for remote and online appearances at broadcast quality.
Latest podcast (Education in an AI Age)
“Graham Brown-Martin is an engaging, witty and most importantly, prescient speaker who has an uncanny ability to weave observations about the past and present into inspiring and thoughtful insights we all must consider as we collectively shape the future.”
— Connie Yowell, MacArthur Foundation
Author and writer.
Commissioned by the World Innovation Summit for Education (WISE) Graham authored and directed the Learning {Re}imagined transmedia project. Working with award-winning photographer Newsha Tavakolian, Graham visited 18 countries on 6 continents to interview some the worlds leading thinkers, educators and activists. Interviews included Noam Chomsky, Sir Ken Robinson, Seth Godin, Jake Davis (digital activist), Larry Rosenstock (High Tech High) and Sandy Speicher (IDEO).
From refugee camps on the Syrian border to crisis response schools after an earthquake in China, a village in rural Bihar in India, Silicon Valley and London’s Shoreditch Graham experienced hugely diverse surroundings.
The result was a best selling book designed with Des Signes and published by Bloomsbury, a mobile app that Graham designed, and more than 30 short films about the future of learning.
Graham is a popular writer for a number of publications on Medium about learning, innovation, neurodiversity and the regenerative economy.
“A tour de force of the world of education is presented in this comprehensive and powerful exploration of pedagogy and philosophy, combined with politics and case studies. With contributions from a selection of internationally respected and acclaimed authors, researchers and thinkers this incisive, probing and critical work is of majestic proportions and quality. Detailed analysis and critiques of different education systems, developments and innovations are presented for consideration. Outstanding.”
National Union of Teachers
Founder of Learning Without Frontiers (LWF) a global community bringing together renowned educators, technologists and creatives to share provocative and challenging ideas about the future of learning. LWF hosted some of the most exciting and cutting edge conferences, attended by an international community.
Brown-Martin has in recent years; given evidence to the House of Lords Select Committee on Artificial Intelligence, created an agile learning experience for senior leaders of a FTSE 100 financial services company, designed a science programme for primary school children using the Internet of Things, created an experiential programme for children to learn about working with autonomous humanoid robots and was retained by a global EdTech brand to lead their product and brand development, education and communications strategy with teams in the UK, US and China.
Founder of BeyondTomorrow.Global a growing international intelligence network of interdisciplinary thinkers designing a blueprint for society to thrive beyond the 22nd century.
Co-founder of regenerative.global, a transformative learning consultancy based in London and New York using circular economy principles to inform innovative learning and design practices.
Author and director of Learning {Re}imagined, a trans-media study of global education and geopolitics commissioned by the World Innovation Summit for Education (WISE). This resulted in a best selling book published by Bloomsbury and more than 30 short films about the future of learning.
Founder of The Catalyst Coach, an AI innovation coaching and consulting practice working with leaders and their organisations globally to navigate the future, achieve their goals and maintain resilience.
“Listening to Graham Brown-Martin is like witnessing a conversation between Noam Chomsky, Sir Ken Robinson and Geoffrey Hinton - intellectual depth, visionary creativity, and pioneering innovation combined in a truly unforgettable experience”
— Alex Bell, Portland Education
Coaching for catalysts.
You don’t have to look too hard to find long lists of incredibly successful and influential creative catalysts who think differently. Steve Jobs, Steven Spielberg, Agatha Christie, Richard Branson, Mozart, Picasso, Stanley Kubrick, Marilyn Monroe and Andy Warhol are famous neurodivergent achievers.
At least 20% of the adult population are neurodivergent and that neurodivergence cuts across race, gender and orientation. Universal Music’s Creative Differences report estimates that neurodivergent representation across all creative industries is almost double that of the general public.
Graham coaches founders and leaders who are; catalysts, neurodivergent achievers, or both. Himself a neurodivergent catalyst (AuDHD), he draws on his own experiences of leading disruptive, fast growth startups in the entertainment, technology and learning sectors.
In a series of powerful conversations Graham works with his clients to explore their big idea, their journey towards it and the things that happen along the way. He provides practical strategies to maintain energy whilst managing the challenges, blockers and resisters that arise when creating change.
Supported by a renowned clinical team Graham takes neurodivergence into account but not as a problem to be solved but a power to be used in his clients quest to make the world a better place.
“Graham offers a refreshing approach to executive business coaching. Each session offered new insights on the topic at hand and provided the opportunity to critically reflect on how I could bring about meaningful impact with my business at a global scale.”
— Kaina, Founder and coaching client
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